About the Journal

Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (IJCP) is the official journal of the Indian Psychiatric Society Uttar Pradesh Branch. It is published biannually. It is a comprehensive journal for mental health professionals, professionals of allied disciplines and mental health policy makers. Emerging knowledge of the highest quality in the field of psychiatry, the latest technical enhancements and developments of psychological interventions are shared in a timely and practical manner for clinical and professional use. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research articles; review articles; commentaries on significant articles; case reports, perspectives, view-points (opinions) and letters to the editor. All papers are peer-reviewed before publication. The journal provides immediate free access to all the published articles. The journal does not charge the authors for submission, processing or publication of the articles.

Target Audience: The target audience of this issue are mental health professionals, professionals of allied disciplines and mental health policy makers.

Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry