Submission Procedure

All submission to be addressed to Editor in Chief.

The submissions to be mailed at

N.B: Kindly include a Covering letter, title page [that includes - Type of article, Title of the article, list of Contributors, corresponding author’s details (Name, designation, Organization, E-mail, Contact number), Acknowledgement, Funding, Ethical statement] and completed conflict of interest form along with the manuscript, by downloading it from

Plagiarism Note

Articles will be checked for plagiarism. Only Articles below 10% Similarity Score shall be accepted for Peer-Review.

Publication Fees

There are no Submission or Acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this Journal.

All submission / correspondence should be directed to

Editor in-Chief, Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry


Referencing style: Vancouver Style Referencing

  • References are listed in numerical order, and in the same order in which they are cited in text. The reference list appears at the end of the paper.
  • Begin your reference list on a new page and title it 'References'.
  • T The reference list should include all and only those references you have cited in the text. (However, do not include unpublished items such as correspondence.) Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
  • Abbreviate journal titles in the style used in the NLM Catalog.
  • Check the reference details against the actual source - you are indicating that you have read a source when you cite it.
  • Be consistent with your referencing style across the document

Webpage for referencing style:

Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry