Information for the Authors

We encourage researchers, academicians, scientists, students to contribute scientific articles for the Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (IJCP).

Scope of the journal

We publish articles related to Mental health and allied disciplin

Types of Articles

No. Types of Articles Abstract Word limit for text References
1 Editorial Not required 2000 5
2 Review article Required (Unstructured) 6000 Nolimit
3 Original research article Required (Structured) 4000 40
4 Case report/Series Required (Unstructured) 1500 15
5 Letter to the Editor Not required 1000 10
6 View point/ Opinion/ Perspectives Not required 2000 20
7 Debate Required (Unstructured) 4000 40
8 Book review Not required 1500 10
9 Others (Art & mental health, UG corner, Announcements) Not required 1500 15

Specific instructions for individual categories of articles

EDITORIAL- Editorial is to be written by the editor or the editorial team. However, the journal may invite guest editorials from prominent researchers in the field of psychiatry.

REVIEW ARTICLE- Review articles are usually unsolicited. It can be a narrative, scoping and systematic review related to any contemporary issue of psychiatry and allied sciences.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE- Original article should have a structured format that should include- Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion. Details of study design, sampling techniques, ethical approval status, study analysis, major strengths and limitations and future implications should be covered. Maximum of 6 tables and figures are allowed. The tables should be numbered with legends and should be appended at the end of the manuscript after the references in a serial order. The figures should be in jpeg format and are to be produced separately along with manuscript draft.

CASE REPORT/SERIES- This article should have the following structure- Introduction, Case presentation, Discussion and Conclusion. Authors may include 1 figure/image.

PERSPECTIVE/VIEW POINT/OPINION- It should be on a current relevant topic. It can be structured (with headings) or unstructured (without headings).Upto 2 tables or figures are allowed.

DEBATE- We encourage authors to submit articles on controversial topics in the field of mental health and allied sciences. This article must discuss about the argument (in favor) or counter argument (against) a particular concept, intervention, legislation or process.

BOOK REVIEW- The authors may submit book review on any important book published recently in the field of mental health.

ART IN PSYCHIATRY- Authors may submit articles to this section which should include art, painting or figures that are having mental health significance. The figures can be colored/black and white. They should be of high quality and should be provided separately with the description of the art along with supporting evidences (references) if any.

UG CORNER- We encourage UG medical/dental/paramedical students to contribute articles related to mental health and allied disciplines.

Specific instructions for individual categories of articles

Information for
Editorial Board members

  • Every editorial board member must review 2-4 articles per year.
  • Each member should circulate the journal among his/her contact.
  • Constructive suggestions and inputs should be given from time to time to improve the quality of the journal.
  • The editorial board members may be asked to contribute to the guest editorial section of any issue of the journal as well as bring special issues to the IJCP as and when required.

Information for the Reviewers

The reviewers are selected on the request of the editorial team.

The reviewers need to respond within the specified number of days.

Review should be done keeping the following points in the mind.

On the basis of these guidelines, the reviewer should give a constructive feedback to improve the quality of the content submitted.

The reviewer must suggest if the submission needs minor or substantial revision or whether it is unsuitable for publication.

The final decision of publication, however, remains with the editorial board.

We encourage the reviewers to register with PUBLONS to get the credits for their reviews.

Review Should be done keeping the following points in mind Information foe reviewers

  • The scope of the journal
  • It should qualify the author’s guidelines
  • There should be no legal or ethical issues like plagiarism
  • The content should be enriching, of good quality, contributory to the medical field and must have clinical utility
  • The language used should be fluent and comprehensible

Indian Journal of Clinical Psychiatry